Ozark Foundation is excited to announce the Ozark Adventure Passport. The Passport is designed to educate, spark imagination and discovery and connect members of our community to nature and the culture of our region. Get ready for some adventure!

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook: @ozarkadventurepassport
Where Can I Get A Passport?
Arvest Bank (Downtown Bentonville Square location)
Walmart Museum
Bentonville Public Library
Experience Fayetteville Offices
Visit Bentonville Offices
Bella Vista Historical Museum
Rogers Historical Museum
Botanical Garden of the Ozarks

The Passport is FREE to adventurers of all ages and backgrounds. If Passport holders would like to participate in funding this project, click here to make a donation.
The Passport was designed by a local artist with input from multiple organizations including area museums, libraries, historians, educators and outdoor enthusiasts.
The Passport is a self-guided tour of the region and can be used by the adventurer over multiple months. We expect to refresh and update the Passport every 12-18 months.
Although the Passport is not an event or race, periodically we will announce prizes around holidays, weekends or events. These “challenge days” will be posted on our Instagram account: @ozarkadventurepassport or our website. Periodic updates will also be posted here.
We welcome feedback! Any questions or comments can be emailed to us at: info@ozarkfoundation.org.
Terms and conditions may be found on the back of the Passport or on our website www.ozarkfoundation.org. Use of the Passport is voluntary. Ozark Foundation, or its affiliates, assume no responsibility for any losses, injuries or damages associated with its use.
Ozark Adventure Passport is made possible through the generous support of our community
Marlena & Michael Bond
Terri & Rick Stafford
Jenn Dice & Stuart Walsworth
Community Partners
Martha & Scott Kluesner
Edgar Blanco
Angie & Dale Bailey
Mark & Mary Hintlian
Rebecca & William White
Jeremy Rose